Travel, Leisure & Fun for South Valley Adults

Older Participants Sought for Cognitive Survey

Area residents now have the opportunity to participate in a national study of the effects of COVID-19 on cognitive function.

Kaweah Health in Visalia is one of four locations nationwide participating in the two-year study that compares those who have had COVID vs those who have not. The only restrictions are participants must be at least 18 years old and have not had COVID-19 in the past three months.

They must also be available to participate in the 30-minute tests over the next two years. A total of 1,000 people, half having had COVID while the other half would never have tested positive, will participate. Other testing locations are located in Florida, the Midwest and at UC Irvine.

"We need people of all ages," said Dr. Richard Pantera, who oversees the administration of the study at Kaweah Health. "But people over 50 should be especially interested in doing this study."

Those who take part will participate in two examinations, one that utilizes a laptop-like machine to capture participant responses, and the other is a verbal response to questions asked by psychiatric residents. Including the time it takes to complete pre-exam registration for each of session, participants can anticipate about a 60-minute commitment.

The study is coordinated by Cognivue, which is also the maker of the Cognitive Clarity, an FDA-approved computerized testing tool designed to assess early signs of cognitive impairment. The technology objectively, quantitatively and reliably identifies changes in cognitive function that could be indicative of impairment. The test will include an emphasis on speed as well as other important criteria.

Older participants are encouraged to enroll in the study, which will provide a baseline of results that exams in the future can be compared to in order to determine if there has been cognitive decline, whether or not the person has had COVID.

For more information or to enroll in the study, call Kaweah Health at (559) 624-5200.


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