Travel, Leisure & Fun for South Valley Adults

TCSO Deputies Track Down Scooter Stolen from Disabled Vet

(This article is presented as a warning to our readers who ride motorized scooters.)

On March 17, a 72-year-old disabled Vietnam Veteran parked his motorized scooter at the Veterans Memorial Hall in Orosi and then walked to McDonald's.

According to the Tulare County Sheriff's Office (TCSO), while he was gone, 35-year-old Tina Guererro rode by on a bicycle and spotted the veteran's scooter. She left, then came back with a friend and took the scooter. When the veteran returned to the parking lot, his electric scooter was missing.

The scooter is worth about $1,200.

TCSO Deputy Jonas Tirado found surveillance video that showed Guerrero taking the scooter. Not long after, Deputy Jason Hendersen tracked down Guerrero and the stolen scooter. She was arrested and booked into the Adult Pre-Trial Facility.

TCSO Deputies Jonas Tirado, Hendersen and Hector Negrete quickly returned the scooter to the very grateful veteran, who uses it as his main mode of transportation.

Guerrero faces charges of grand theft, possession of stolen property and looting during a pandemic.


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