Travel, Leisure & Fun for South Valley Adults

Tulare Senior Community Center News

Annual Open Enrollment

Annual Open Enrollment (AEP) is the time of year when consumers can change their Medicare coverage, Part C and/or Part D. They can do this by joining a new Medicare Advantage plan (MA, Part C) or by joining a new stand-alone Prescription Drug Plan (PDP, Part D). Medicare beneficiaries can also return to Original Medicare with or without a Part D plan from a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan. Listed below are three things to keep in mind while deciding on individual Medicare coverage.

1. Open Enrollment Occurs from October 15 to December 7 of Every Year.

• If you enroll in a plan during AEP, coverage starts January 1, 2016.

• In most cases, Fall Open Enrollment is the only time you can pick a new MA or Medicare Part D plan.

• If you have an MA plan, you can also switch back to Original Medicare.

2. Review Current Medicare Health and Drug Coverage.

• If you have a Medicare Advantage plan or a stand-alone Part D plan, you should receive an Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) and/or Evidence of Coverage (EOC). Review these notices for any changes in the plan's costs, benefits and rules for the upcoming year. If you are dissatisfied with any changes, you can make changes during Fall Open Enrollment.

• If you are satisfied with your current Medicare Advantage or Part D plan, you should still shop around. Check to see if there is another plan in your area that will offer better health and/or drug coverage at a more affordable price.

3. Local Help is Available.

• If you want to join a Part D or review your Medicare Advantage Plan, call and schedule an appointment with the Kings/Tulare Area Agency on Aging HICAP, Medicare Assistance Program. Medicare Counselors from HICAP can help you understand your current coverage and alternate options for changing plans. Kings/Tulare HICAP is at 1-800-434-0222.

• Counselors are not insurance agents and/or brokers.

2015 Holiday Boutique

This event will be held on Tuesday, December 1 from 4:30-7:30 p.m. See calendar on page 2 for more information.

New Class – Zumba Gold!

This is held most Thursday's, 1-2 p.m. at the Tulare Senior Community Center. Cost is $2 per senior student (55+) per class or $6 per month. Cost for a non-senior is $3 per class or $10 per month.

What is Zumba? – Zumba is based on quick-paced dance moves, choreographed to Latin and international music. The class can be very intense, and you can expect to burn up to 1,000 calories per one-hour class.

How is Zumba Gold Different? – Zumba Gold is based on the same dance moves used in the original Zumba class. The Gold class, however, is less intense, with dance routines designed for beginners and older adults.

What to Expect – The class consists of a series of easy-to-follow dance moves. Some moves are even designed to be performed on a chair, which makes this class easily adaptable to those in a wheelchair. The class is 60 minutes long and includes a longer warm-up and cool-down than regular Zumba. The moves focus on improving balance, strength and flexibility, while raising your heart rate and improving cardiovascular ability.

What to Take – You should wear comfortable workout clothing, including rubber-soled shoes. Also bring along a bottle of water and a towel.

Tours & Travel

“Spotlight on Paris” will be March 8-14, 2016. “Colors of New England” will be October 3-10, 2016. For more information about these tours, visit:

If you have any excursion suggestions for 2017, please let us know!

Meals on Wheels Volunteers Needed – Help in Our Kitchen!

The Tulare Meals on Wheels Program currently serves over 250 meals per week, which adds up to almost 13,000 meals per year! This program relies on volunteers and donations to keep seniors living independently in their homes.

The Kitchen Volunteer hours would be from 10 am to 1pm. The volunteer tasks would be to help with packing home delivered meals, serving lunch to seniors at the senior center and clean-up. Please call or stop by the Senior Center for more information.

Donations Received

A donation was received for the Feed a Senior Program from Anonymous.

No donation is too small. We'll send a special card to the individual and/or their family, and publish the names in our monthly newsletter and the senior column.

Blood Pressure Screening

Free blood pressure screening the first and third Wednesday of each month, 10-11 a.m. Sponsored by Tulare Adult School Nursing Program.

HICAP - Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program

Free, one-on-one Medicare counseling. Please call 1-800-434-0222 to make an appointment. Visit for more information.


The regular Bingo Program is held every Monday and Wednesday, 12:30-3:30 p.m. Cost is 10¢ per game, 25¢ a card. Another great activity for anyone 18 years and older to enjoy socialization and have a wonderful time playing!

Card Playing

This free activity happens at the Senior Center every Monday, Wednesday and Friday after lunch!

Friday Night Dances

Visit the Tulare Senior Community Center every Friday night, 7-10 p.m., for live music, dancing, finger foods, socializing and more! Entrance fee is $8 per person.

The Tulare Senior Community Center is located at 201 North F Street in Tulare. For more information, visit or call 685-2330.

Lorraine Zorn is senior services Administrator for the City of Tulare Recreation, Parks & Library Department. She can be reached at


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