Travel, Leisure & Fun for South Valley Adults

Springtime Brings Music to the South Valley

Traditionally spring brings the fragrance of blossoms and the beauty of flowers, but in the South Valley it is also a time when a lot of music fills the air.

April Jazz

In April, jazz returns to Three Rivers with the 41st annual JazzAffair on April 11-13. There are four venue stages featuring different bands all day and into the evening for three days. The High Sierra Jazz Band remains the traditional host band with 12 other bands including the local Reedley High School River Rats.

The event is organized by Sierra Traditional Jazz Club members, who contract bands from around the country and provide help with lodging and information for visitors from around the world, who gather to attend the event.

Tickets are $95 for all three days including all concerts and a shuttle from one location to another. One-day tickets are also available. Food and drink is available at all sites.

Information and tickets: 559-561-4549,

May Broadway

May brings the sound of Broadway musicals to Visalia when the Mighty Oaks Chorus presents Harmony on Broadway on Saturday, May 3 at the Central Valley Christian High School Theatre.

Songs featured are from such Broadway hits at Les Miserables, Fiddler on the Roof, Oklahoma, Phantom of the Opera, Paint Your Wagon and more.

This is the 33rd annual show presented by the Mighty Oaks Chorus. The group has members from all around Tulare, Kings and Fresno counties. The chorus and quartets from the chorus sing at many local events in the South Valley.

Sponsors of the event include A&W Restaurants, ServiceMaster by Benevento, Iron Horse Design, Redwood Springs Healthcare and Village Printing.

There are two performances, a 2 p.m. matinee and 7:30 p.m. evening performance. Tickets are $16/adults and $8/children 12 and under. Advance tickets are available, although seating is first come, first serve.

Information and tickets: 559-901-4615,


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